New: monitor specific webpages
03 February 2025
It's been a request for a while and now it's finally ready: monitoring a specific webpage. Up until now urls in ShadowTrackr could only be domains ( and subdomains ( If you would monitor every single page on those subdomains, things would escalate quickly in terms of assets and performance.
But, some webpages are so important that you do want to monitor them. With a webpage I mean a url that includes a path, like or
There is a new item called webpages in the GUI under assets. You can add webpages in the same way you add urls or ip addresses.
By default, the url is extracted from the webpage and added to your assets too. This is needed for discovering and tracking things like certificates and dns. If you do not want this, click on "advanced options" when adding assets. There is a checkbox there that you can untick so the url is not added.
preparing for urls with paths
27 January 2025
A new version just went live that fixes a number of bugs, and prepares the backend for handling url's that include a path. There have been multiple requests for this.
You can currently monitor, or, or The plan is to support shadowtrackr/blog too. This way you can monitor specific full urls that are important to you.
Once the frontend supports it too, you'll read it here :-)
New options for urls
13 January 2025
Up until now, if you put a url in assets, it would be in autodiscover mode. That means that besides the checks and scans done, the scanner nodes will look for related infrastructure and either add it to your assets, or list it under suggestions.
Some of you wanted more options. One was the option to never add the underlying host in case of dynamic DNS usage. The other was the option to explicitly add the host even if it is a cloud host. Sometimes you run a cloud host with a fixed IP and this makes sense.
Both options are available now. Ther "add assets" screen where you can specify the options for urls. If you have existing urls where you want to change the options, go to the url page, click the action menu (three dots upper right), and click "url options".
Is your option not there? Let me know :-)